Recente inhoud door Scotty-Polo1973

  1. Scotty-Polo1973

    Navigation Pro RetroFit

    Sportmonitor is already here so it’s just the Firmware to 1427 to do. Scott
  2. Scotty-Polo1973

    Navigation Pro RetroFit

    Yes you can speck it on the (facelift polo) but my car is 2018
  3. Scotty-Polo1973

    Navigation Pro RetroFit

    So it's been a while, but I thought it's time for an upgrade, so I have retro fitted the Nav Pro to my polo, which was not easy because the screen it's much bigger, so I had to do some trimming, which I'm no expert, but I'm happy with the finished article Thanks Scott (y)
  4. Scotty-Polo1973

    Touch AC Panel RetroFitted

    Today I RetroFitted the new Touch Panel AC and it works great
  5. Scotty-Polo1973

    Automatisch Achterklep openen

    See if there's a way that you could buy in bulk and they might ship it....its worth a shot
  6. Scotty-Polo1973

    Automatisch Achterklep openen

    Yes its heavier but thats normal with the boot pop on any car,but its definitely worth it:cool:
  7. Scotty-Polo1973

    Automatisch Achterklep openen

    Just bought it and added it today… How do I upload a video?
  8. Scotty-Polo1973

    Automatisch Achterklep openen

    It seems very silly of them not to let anyone pay for something other than a visa card
  9. Scotty-Polo1973

    Automatisch Achterklep openen
  10. Scotty-Polo1973

    Automatische achterklep

    This is in the UK which i might buy and let you know what i think of it
  11. Scotty-Polo1973

    Kabelboom regensensor VW polo

    send my friend an email he makes looms for everything (y)
  12. Scotty-Polo1973

    Snel krassen op aircodisplay

    Yes its very annoying mine is like that too :confused:
  13. Scotty-Polo1973

    Retrofit Lane Assist en nog veel meer

    Well done Jordy excellent job :cool:
  14. Scotty-Polo1973

    Mk8 Golf Heated Steering Wheel Fitted

    Thanks buddy i like to take things to the next level if i can:mrgreen:
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