Foodstrip meeting Zaandam 8 year anniversary

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om 18:00
over 2 dagen · 17°C/12°C Regen

Kaart tonen
1506 Zaandam

The FoodStrip-meet is a FACT!

8 years ago a small group of car enthusiasts from the region of Amsterdam came together for a new kind of meeting. These car enthusiasts preferred ''Clean'' and ''Performance minded cars'' which was in a time when big bodykits and clear taillights still set the trend.
Times are changing and everything that’s related to Clean and Performance is what sets the trend at the moment. We love to see that and really want to help this part of the car scene grow. We don’t really care about what sort of car you drive as long as we can relate to the way you modified it.

It will be a great night filled with everything that revolves around our LifeStyle that means Food, Music, Car-Limbo, Exhaust DB-contest, Launch control contest, RC-Drifting and most of all socializing with other enthousiasts and talk about the passion we live.
Because that is what the FoodStrip meeting is all about.

At the moment we are still busy with preperations and the local authority's. Follow this page for the latest updates!

Mijn vraag, is iemand hier al wel eens bij geweest? Ik zie dat er 1200 mensen gaan, hoeveel procent daarvan is "sjonnie" en hoeveel VAG? Gaat er toevallig iemand van hier
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