
  1. bq1

    Aanhoudende problemen (P0106)

    I would focus on the timing belt. If he jump over one 'tooth' than ignition take place in different moment. Because of that, problem while starting polo. Reason why it happened might be worn belt tensioner , incorrect timing setting. Driving a car with such a failure is not safe for the...
  2. bq1

    O2 sensor (lambdasonde) probleem

    Hi, I had almost the same story about 1,5y ago. Within few days, polo lost power. I've changed cables and coil, it didn't help. So I bought new battery and spark plugs. From sloopauto I bought lambda sond, knock and camshaft sensor. At the end throtle and oil separator went for cleaning...
  3. bq1

    Alle sleutels kwijt :(

    Hi HoMi, Thanks, that you saw and reacted for my post, it's motivating for further help if I'll know how of course. Im casual user of 2000 6N2 AKK/AUD LB7Z 3DR from NB.:mrgreen: Regards Luk
  4. bq1

    Alle sleutels kwijt :(

    Hi, My Dutch is terrible, i hope You do not mind and other users that I'll be writing in English No need to change ecu. With side and back handle, You have no problem Below is minimum to use car as previous, and since You'v lost all key, might be a problem if they send you only cylinder...
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