Recente inhoud door Dumitru Sabin

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    [HOWTO][9N3][Interieur] Retrofit OEM stoelverwarming

    The adapters are ready. System working.
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    [HOWTO][9N3][Interieur] Retrofit OEM stoelverwarming

    Helle Brent. I am almost done. I've routed the cables, cleaned the seats, also replaced the drivers seat foam and hand washed the textile covers. FIrst I put the resistors in series like in the POLO 9N diagram. I noticed that they did not heat well ...slightly noticeable,they were on level 5 and...
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    [HOWTO][9N3][Interieur] Retrofit OEM stoelverwarming

    I have to receive a few more connectors and pins. This is what i have until now.
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    [HOWTO][9N3][Interieur] Retrofit OEM stoelverwarming

    One resistor has2 wires. The other has 4. (2 ntc and 2 for power) The system is similar. I bought the switches oem, the wiring and relays from kufatec. I have to make the wiring from kufatec to the resistors. I bought all the connectors and pins. I am ready to do the job but i noticed that in...
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    [HOWTO][9N3][Interieur] Retrofit OEM stoelverwarming

    Un rezistor are două fire, la fel ca polo oem, celelalte 4 fire (ressitor și ntc) la fel ca oem. Cred că sunt similare.
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    [HOWTO][9N3][Interieur] Retrofit OEM stoelverwarming

    Hello. I bought some oem resistors from seat altea. I have to make the wiring from kufatec to the resistors same as you in the description. The difference is that i have to connect them in series not in parralel. What do i have to change for series connection like in the diagram? Thank you.
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