[6R] [ABS] VCDS coding Bosch ABS8.2 (English)


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Ik doe deze even in 't Engels, omdat dat wat meer mensen aantrekt.

So the coding of an ABS unit is not particularly straight-forward and there are a few things to keep in mind when performing these actions:
- Any recent VAG ABS unit is coded individually, based on VIN, chassis type, engine type and equipment
- Therefore almost every ABS unit has its own individual long coding
- The lack of labels by Ross-Tech is intentional, since the ABS unit is a critical part of any cars safety system and should not be messed around with unless you're absolutely sure what you're doing. This document is intended as informative support, and iichel, MyPolo or Ross-Tech are not in any way responsible for loss of function when changing your ABS coding.

When an ABS unit needs to be coded (i.e. after replacement, retrofit or accidental loss of the long coding), you roughly have three options:
- SVM from VW. The Software Version Management will enable the ODIS software to retrieve your original factory coding from the server in Germany and restore it to your ABS module. This will only work if your (replacement) ABS unit is from the same type and part number as the one it came with from the factory.
- Build it from scratch using this guide.
- Build it with the help from other scans and this guide.

Before we start with the guide, let's get into the basics of long coding.
A long code is a sequence of characters ranging from 0-9 and A-F, with an even length of characters. This is called a hexadecimal code. For example, an ABS 8.2 coding:

Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 6R0 907 379 AE    HW: 6R0 907 379 AC
   Component: ABS8.2 front  H04 0001 
   Revision: --------   
   Coding: 200228E3017200B5042D14E580D100000200
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 31414
   VCID: 81031D441CF74B161BD-80D4

The long coding is 200228E3017200B5042D14E580D100000200 and it's made up from 36 characters. This means it has 18 bytes, since bytes come in pairs of two.

Byte 0 is 20, byte 1 is 02, byte 2 is 28 etc until byte 17 which is 00. You'll notice we start counting at byte 0 and not at byte 1. Any byte is basically a number from 00 to FF in hexadecimal so it represents a value from 0 to 255. What's even cooler is that any hexadecimal can be converted to binary bytes. All you need is microsoft excel or you can use any online tool. In excel, simply type your hexadecimal value in cell A1 and in B1 we type: "=HEX2BIN(A1,8)" and we're there. The other way around is just as easy, just type any sequence of 8 charactes, ones and zeros in B2 and give A2 the code "=BIN2HEX(B2,2)" and you're there.

The way I usually play with my BCM is like this:

Screen Shot 2017-10-06 at 17.17.35.png

Coding ABS 8.2

When coding your ESP module, it's good to first determine the length of the long coding. Usually the ABS 8.2 modules sport an eighteen-byte long code, but it's good to check. Just open the module with VCDS and see how long the current code is.
Now you can either build the code from scratch, or find yourself a very similar vehicle via i.e. Google.

Finding a long code via Google is not that difficult, for my module I'll type into google:

"Part No SW: 6R0 907 379 AE    HW: 6R0 907 379 AC" VCDS Polo
Note the quotes.

Now just go through the results and see if there is any car that matches your engine. Click.
Let's say we have a Polo 1.6 TDI LHD and we find another one, with the coding:

We can use this information, together with my description, to determine the correct coding for our own Polo 1.6 TDI.

Byte 0:
HEX - Chassis type
10 - Ibiza Hatch and ST
20 - Polo hatchback

As you can see, there might be some options for Fabia hatch and station, Audi A1, etc. Therefore it's always good to google scans of similar cars to your own.

Byte 1:
HEX - Chassis type
02 - Polo and Ibiza

Byte 2:
HEX - Brake diameter
24 - Front 256mm disc - rear 200mm drums
28 - Front 256mm disc - rear 230mm disc
44 - Front 288mm disc - rear 200mm drums
48 - Front 288mm disc - rear 230mm disc

Byte 3:
HEX - Chassis type
DB - Ibiza
E3 - Polo

Byte 4:
HEX - Transmission type
01 - Manual

Byte 5:
HEX 6D + VIN digit #13

Byte 6:
HEX 00

Byte 7:
HEX B2 + VIN digit #14

Byte 8:
HEX - Chassis type
08 - Ibiza Hatch and ST
04 - Polo hatchback

Byte 9:
HEX 25 + VIN digit + 15

Byte 10:
Inverse of byte 2
You'll convert the HEX value to binary, i.e. HEX 21 = BIN 00100001. Then you invert the binary value, so 00100001 becomes 10000100. Finally you convert 10000100 to HEX, making 84.

Byte 11:
HEX E2 + VIN digit # 16

Byte 12:
Inverse of byte 4 (see byte 10)

Byte 13:
HEX D1 + VIN digit # 17

Byte 14:
Inverse of byte 6 (see byte 8 for description)

Byte 15:
bit 1: TDI engine installed

Byte 16:
bit 1 = TPMS active

Byte 17:
HEX 00

Keep in mind, you should always use your head when making a code, and it never hurts to cross-check with the google method. The list is probably not complete, i.e. some RHD vehicles are missing from the list.
Soon to come:
ESP9.0i PQ
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